Thursday, November 26, 2009

Paul Henry is a wally

Paul Henry, one of the hosts of the TVNZ Breakfast show, proved to us that he is an uninformed, insensitive dick this week. On the Monday edition he and Pippa Wetzell were discussing articles in the women's magazines and Paul picked on Britain's Got Talent winner, Susan Boyle, to insult and ridicule. He ended up insulting people with intellectual disabilities as well with his discriminatory, uneducated remarks.
Here is a transcript of the abuse:

Paul Henry: I don’t want to go crazy on Susan Boyle but more revelations are coming out about Susan Boyle. As you can see the one there titled (points to magazine) I was beaten, it says she was ritualistically beaten, virtually every day, not just by other children at school but by her teachers… (starts laughing) as well. Why?

Pippa Wetzell interrupts: That is not funny.

Paul Henry: No its not. (laughs again)

Pippa Wetzell: That’s awful.

Paul Henry: Yes and that’s why you’re here, to make sure people know that. It isn’t funny, it’s horrible and that’s why she was quivering.

Pippa Wetzell: She’s had such a tragic life that woman.

Paul Henry: She has, but its come good now though hasn’t it?

Pippa Wetzell: Well it has but long overdue.

Paul Henry: Well here’s the really interesting revelation in this latest magazine. She is in fact retarded umm… (starts laughing)

Pippa Wetzell: You are shocking.

Paul Henry: It’s official. She has an intellectual disability (laughing) She suffered… what happened was… and this is always bad (still laughing) she was starved of oxygen and suffered from a mild intellectual disability.

Pippa Wetzell: Aww…

Paul Henry: And if you look at her carefully (points to photo in magazine) you can make it out, can’t you?

Pippa Wetzell: You don’t know what you’re talking about. (Changes to new story).

If you want to put in a formal complaint to TVNZ about this you can do so by going to the TVNZ website and completing a feedback form. Make sure you put Formal Complaint somewhere in the email.

Alternatively you can complain via the Human Rights Commission online complaints service:

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Call for Speakers

The NZ Federation of Disability Information Centres is calling for speakers to present at its Training Conference in Queenstown next year. The theme of the conference is RD 2010 - the challenges of rural delivery of services in 2010 and beyond. Presenters can apply for a whole session or a 'round table' 15 minute presentation. Anyone interested should download the Call for Speakers document HERE.